About Me

A focused problem solver who can clearly communicate issues and solutions to her partners. Excellent at developing software that meets basic requirements and proper aesthetic. Used to Object-Oriented Design, MERN stack, and deploying on Heroku and Github. Uses ESLint for linting purposes. Avid fan of Visual Studio Code extensions. Relentless at finding solutions on the web. Enjoys constantly adding modules and icebox features to enrich user experience (to the dismay of my teammates).

Skills: MongoDB, Express, Javascript, React, SASS, Bootstrap, Mongoose, UIKit, Node, Frontend and Backend Technologies.

Currently in the process of learning PHP/Laravel.

Crystal and Anthony in London

Major Project: Wanderdog

This application draws from public information to obtain free trails and camp grounds for your best four-legged friend. Also provides weather data for any US city/zipcode! My team members and I were motivated by our love of nature and dogs. Utilizes Bulma CSS framework, Moment, OpenWeatherMap API, and USA Data. Also uses Hiking Project's API to grab nearby trails.

screenshot of Wanderdog website

Major Project: Colossal Hogs

The link to the Heroku site is on the Github page or the title above! This application draws from public information to find motorcycle and car events, as well as keep track of your favorite vehicles and list of parts. There is also a page where you can search for recalls for a specific vehicle. Uses UIKit for the CSS framework, Unsplash photos, and MySQL/Sequelize for database management. Pulls from Google Places and NHTSA for data that user requests (events or recalls, respectively). Uses Node.js and Express.js for back-end development. Uses ESLint for linting purposes.

screenshot of Colossal Hogs

Major Project: Co-Lab

The link to the deployed site is on the Github page or the title above. Co-Lab is an app that lets you find real-life team members for any project you can dream of! Other sites like TeamFind allows users to find online teammates, but Co-Lab is here for those who prefer face-to-face interaction.

This app uses the full MERN-stack tech stack. It also uses Github's API to fill the user database and Passport for user authorization/OAuth. Uses FramerX for React animation elements for a smoother user experience.

screenshot of Project 3

Major Project: Coronacation

The link to the Heroku site is on the Github page or the title above! This app connects people in neighborhoods to each other based on their needs. If a user needs someone to grab prescriptions or groceries, they can ask fellow neighbors for assistance.

On the homepage, there is a list of links that will provide information on the current pandemic. In the menu, there are links to a page to post needs, and a page to find needs in your area.

Uses Material-UI, SASS, React, and subtlepattern's wallpaper. Uses Node.js and Express.js for back-end development. Needs are placed in a NoSQL-type database. Uses ESLint for linting purposes.

screenshot of Coronacation

The Rest of My Portfolio

These are smaller projects that were done throughout the course of the bootcamp. They are in no particular order. Title links go directly to site, while the descriptions go to the Github repo.

screenshot of weather dashboard website

Weather Dashboard

I created a website that will give you the current weather and weather forecast for any city in the world. It uses OpenWeatherMap's API. It also uses Unsplash's API to grab a random photo based on which city the user clicks on for weather.

screenshot of password generator website

Password Generator

This site generates a random password based on user conditions, such as number of characters and types of characters used. It also copies the password to the user's clipboard with an on-click function. Created with Javascript, HTML, and CSS.

screenshot of quiz website

World Capitals Quiz

This site tests your knowledge of capitals of countries around the world! Utilizes Javascript, jQuery, HTML, and CSS.

screenshot of day planner website

Day Planner

In my opinion, one of the more difficult works, this site uses jQuery and Moment.js to determine time by the hour and adjusts the time blocks accordingly. Also one of the first times learning how to utilize local storage.

screenshot of a profile.pdf that was generated

Developer Profile Generator

I thought the concept was relatively simple, and severely underestimated the time I needed to finish this work. I estimated 1 hour, and this took 3 days. After downloading this program, you can generate pdfs of user profiles from Github. Uses Node.js, inquirer, and puppeteer.

screenshot of a team HTML that was generated

Team Profile Generator

This CLI app generates an HTML file that is based on user input. This project required me to learn about testing code. (Test Driven Development!) Uses Node.js, jest, and inquirer.

video of a note taker app

Note Taker

This note-taker app is hosted on Heroku and tracks your notes-- careful! It can be accessed and altered by anyone. Utilizes Node and Express.

screenshot of essay on program reverse-engineering


This is a walkthrough/tutorial through a sample program. I walk through each file in the directory and explain what each file does and how they relate to one another.

gif of employee-tracker app

Employee Database

This CLI program tracks departments, roles, and employees in a given company. You can create, update, and delete roles and employees as needed. Uses Node, Express, inquirer and MySQL.

image of react weather app

React Weather Now

This app grabs current weather from any city in the world. The background changes based on temperature, and I think it looks quite nice on mobile! It uses OpenWeatherMap's API.

react employee database app

React Employee Database

An employee directory but with React instead of Node. Uses Material-UI's table component.

image of react portfolio

React Portfolio

This is my portfolio built with React.

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